
Sunday, June 29, 2008


A big thanks for those who have read my blog so far and dropped comments, I was quite sceptical that anyone would actually read what I have to say. Well, for those who said that my posts are like advertisements, this is my style of writing. I hope I dont get blasted for using copyrighted pictures though.. Check back on my blog every now an then!

Btw, please leave me ur blog address if you want me to link to you! =)

Monday, June 23, 2008


Did that title catch your attention? Haha. I'm talkin about sh*t here. Literally. So literal that I've even added a picture of the various kinds of sh*t. By the way, I was not the one that went around the web looking for sh*t. My brother, was surfing on wikipedia and I don't know HOW but he stumbled upon an article on constipation. Needless to carry on with that story. So I thought I'd just post this picture here to spread the sh*t, as well as to teach you sh*t. LOL. I particularly find the description hilarious. Try to picture them in your head. Enjoy!
After Thoughts: Have you ever wondered how a list like this came about? Pictures + Descriptions? Now, ponder this, how did the scientist study the sh*t and what prompted him to do it? Hmmm...

Singapore's Best Fried Chicken

There was an article in yesterday's Lifestyle, Sunday Times. It's all about fried chicken and the comparison of the best in Singapore. I'm a huge, hungry fan of fried chicken, esp KFC and I'll instantly chomp down on any I can get my hands on. So undoubtedly, that article caught my attention and had me frantically flipping to that delicious page as soon as I picked up the Sunday Times. Anyway, Lifestyle did a taste test between the more well known fried chickens across the island, including BK chicken, KFC, McDonald's, Popeye's and 2 other not as famous asian kitchens. Needless to say, the winner was KFC! It got the highest score for aroma, taste and appearance. LOL. The comment was that judges unanimously guessed the chicken piece they ate was from KFC without a second thought. Wow. KFC, here I come with my big fat wallet! On the other hand, I find it particularly amusing the way they commented on the last placing chicken from one of the asian kitchen: the chicken looks like leftovers.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lookout! Here Comes UHDTV!

You know.. Just when you thought High Definition TV is the one and only and here to stay, watch out, here comes Ultra High Definition TV. To put things in perspective, lets take a Standard Definition TV or SDTV. A HDTV is about the size of 4 SDTV. Big enough? Now, take a look at this. UHDTV is the size of 16, yes, 16! HDTV put together. That's about 64 SDTV put together! And it's not very high lah hor, only about 10m high and 30m wide. LOL. Recently in Singapore, we had the Communiasia 2008, where a demonstration of a UHDTV by NHK was held. The TV screen was an unearthly, unheard off, oh my G.., 300 inch wide! Try getting a TV of that size to fit into your living room. You'd probably need to remove the first floor ceiling juz to fit it comfortably. And don't forget that you need to sit at least 15m away from the screen to view the whole screen. Wow, how big your living room had to be.. Oh yeah, price.. Don't you ever wonder how much it cost? Well, if a 52in Full HD TV could cost $10000, surely a 300in tv would cost a few hundred thousand right? Well, obviously it's wrong, we're talking Ultra HD here. That 300in giant of a TV costs $3m. Surprise surprise. LOL. But don't worry about saving up for these giant babies. The first UHDTV set will be commercially available after 2020. Long way to go! =P

Anyway, technology moves so fast this days that computer scientists are pushing themselves so fricking hard. A generation of hardware has hardly settled down in the market before the next is unveiled. As in this case, HDTV is just getting mainstream and UHDTV is already on the way. Things that are once science fiction is becoming reality. Isn't it scary? Just 2 decades ago, a Megabyte (MB) was considered a lot of storage space. Within 10 years, 1MB is hardly enough to store anything and a Gigabyte (GB) is considered a lot of space. Now within another 10 years, 1GB is easily used up and the next is Terabyte (TB) or 1000GB. Soon, the next gen of storage will come and it will be Petabyte or 1000TB or 1 000 000 GB. Furthermore, we had floppy disks (<1mb),>diskettes (1.44MB), CD-R (700MB), DVD(4.2GB), DL-DVD(8.3GB), HD-DVD(15GB), Blu-Ray (25GB) and next is Holographic Versatile Disc, HVD (3.9TB), which uses green laser. Amazing. What a fast paced world we live in! =)

Impossible Riddle

I came across this riddle about the English language a few years back. I gave up on it and never thought I'll see it ever again. But as you can guess, I did (no prize for guessing right, too bad), otherwise I wont be writing this post anyway. LOL. Anyway, here goes:

"There are three words that end with 'gry'.
One of them is angry.
The second is hungry.
What is the third word in the English Language.
It is a simple word and everybody uses it everyday.
What is the word?"

Have a brain-cracking fun time!

Heroes Season 3

Ever since that irritating writers strike since Dec 07 which disrupted the airing of Heroes, every one has been waiting for the series to continue. The strike couldn't have come at a more appropriate time; it was the climax of the first season and everyone was kept in suspense for the second and third season when BOOM! The bomb was dropped on all Heroes fans; filming has been suspended due to the strike by the Writers Guild of America or something along that line. What a coincidence that the writers for Heroes just happened to be in that guild.. I checked back almost once everyday for news that the strike would end. But it just seemed forever. Finally in end Feb, there came the first signs of talks between the guild and the broadcast companies. And finally in mid March, the strike was declared over. 3 MONTHS OF WAITING!! The heck.. When the long long awaited news of the end of the strike in March 08 surfaced and that the series would continue with Heroes Season 3: Villains, I bet the whole world let out a unanimous sigh of relief and a loud "IT'S ABOUT TIME". Well, the first episode of season 3 would premiere on Sept 22, 2008. Can't wait for it. You can view the Heroes: Villains trailers on Youtube or similar video sites.

Mika - Lollipop

Juz happened to come across the music video of the song Lollipop by Mika. The song is nice but I never watched the video until I happened to be channel surfing on MTV. Cute video. By the way, Mika's great. Love his songs: Grace Kelly, Love Today, My Interpretation, Happy Ending, Lollipop, Relax (Take It Easy), Big Girl, etc. Basically his whole Life In Cartoon Motion album.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Funny Clip

I just happened to watch this video while link-surfing from youtube. Its so funny after you hear the killer punchline at the end. Its from an old B&W movie of a guy explaining what are zombies. Listen carefully! LOL..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi.. Second post today.

Hope you werent offended by the last post. LOL. Just to let you noe, i have wild moodswings, even when i'm writing this blog. So i can be real funny now and hahahaha all the way or i can ask you to shut the h*** up and listen to me, you understand? Haha.

Just a quick one on my blog name for the curious with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and those who just want to learn and forget. So whichever you are, dun worry, i'll still explain nevertheless. Just be PATIENTZZ...TA!! For those who personally noe me, I like videography, my passion and soon to be my uni study topic and in the future, to be my career. Actually, i'm more into compositing and animation, motion graphics, titling and hope to be involved in an advertisement project that wins awards. High hopes, but achieveable. Yes, do not doubt the power of Web 2.0 (psst, no link to wat i juz said). My second hobby, known to my true frens out there is competitive yoyo-ing. Yes, there is such a thing. In fact, i'm a member of the YoYo Association of Singapore, YYAS. I'll put up the link to that website once I figure out how to work this D*** blog customisation thing.. Excuse my language, I like to add some nice colours once in a while. Anyway, i think this paragraph is a bit long so for the fun of it, i'll cut it right here

So we have my passion and my hobby, Video and Yoyo. So mash them altogether and what do you get? Mashed potatoes.. Just joking lah can.. You got the address of my blog. Isnt it creative to have it called Vi-De-Yo..? Sounds like video but there is a yoyo element. Haha! Next paragraph.

So there you have it, my explanation for my blog address. I cant believe how lor sor i am. Its amazing how i can just type on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on but i can speak off and off and off (opposite of speak on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, basically means i speak little). Man of few words, that I am. That's why my name, Manfred. Manfred = man of peace in german, man of peace = man who dun start arguments = man who keep quiet = man of few words = Manfred. Me.

I want to type more now but i'm afraid i have to be peaceful yet again. So i'll shut my online mouth up, zip it up (using WinZip of course) and stash inside a folder to be accessed soon. Hmmm for those anti-techno-geeks people out there, you cant stop the power of Web 2.0. You will have to learn techno-IT terms whether you like it or not. Ah yes.. the power of Web 2.0.

Also, i'd like you to noe that today is my darling Felicia's birthday. So Happy Birthday my girl. I wont reveal her age to protect her privacy. I love and respect her you noe, not like all you out there who are just waiting, hungering and expecting me to expose her juicy little tender age, think I dunno, but i do. By the way, that was a joke. Haha. But seriously, i wont reveal it. Why? Cuz this is the net! Not supposed to reveal such stuff on the internet in case you havent heard. Either that or you're just being ignorant. Cant believe it.

Oh well, my session has expired, watch out for my next post then. Look out for more Manfred 2.0. Till then!

Afterthoughts: Oh man, this is a **** lot of words in this post, pretty ironic since I'm a man of few words. Whatever, the world is full of opposites, so hello! I love all you people who read my blog. Heh.. ^_^

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hi.. First post on my first blog. I intent not to call it a blog cuz its too common and it sounds funny. But i havent thought of a cooler and nicer nice for it, eg, thought centre, opinion homepage, speak my mind site.. Erm.. Some help from somebody, please!

Anyway, why Manfred 2.0, I hear some of you ask, or at least you, the person reading this. If you arent asking, just read on, its good to just keep quiet once in a while and listen to other people talk, am i right? Of course i'm right, you're here to read my opinions anyway (or you wouldnt be here in the first place), so just hush and read! See what you made me do, I just want to explain why I name my blog like this and you had to make me write so much juz to convince you to read my blog. What has the world come to? Moving on..

Ok, basically, Manfred is my name. Me. Manfred is me. I'm Manfred. Got it? Good.
Next. 2.0 is the geek or netizen term for blog. Huh? Dont get it? Sigh. Read on...

***Technical terms alert!***
Blogging, friendster, facebook, IM and what have you got that connects people online all fall into this broad term called social networking, or something like that. And the nickname, or proper term (i'm not sure), for internet social networking is WEB 2.0.. Does that switch on your light? Can you see it clearer now? No?! What the **** man?

I'm Manfred and this is my blog. Blogging is under Web 2.0. So add them together become? Manfred 2.0 lah! -.-

This nickname means i've evolved from an average user the internet to an average user of the internet with social networking. Bottom line is, i'm just keeping up with times. Period. So at a time when everyone has upgraded to Web 2.0, whereas I'm still a v0.4, I realised I had to patch myself and upgrade my version to keep up with the world, lest I become obsolete and thrown away like how people throw their phones when they're frustrated, out the window.

So to cut my yabbing.. I'm proud to be a Manfred, version 2.0 now. Dont say anything about my uninteresting, unexciting, boring, bland and sleep-inducing blog layout and skin and looks now. It takes a great deal of time to customise and i've only juz became 2.0. Give me time lah can!? Internet speed can go up to 10MB/s now but my hands can only go 1m/s. Anyway, i always believe in plain looking things. So I may or may not spice this thing up. Take that! Next time, i'll explain why i chose such a address for my blog. I guess some of you may be going like "What the ****! What kind of stupid, ****ing word is that? Cant you do any better?" Believe me, i noe what you are thinking. Just keep your cool and try not to blow your head up, I'll explain that soon.

Watch out for my next post, it'll leave you shivering. Could be cuz of my very cold jokes though. Whatever. Manfred 2.0 logging out.

PS. You noe i'm only joking right? I'm not really angry lah for goodness sake. This is my style of humour. I'm a fun person. Feel free to laugh at my jokes though. ^_^

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