
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

5 Mins Illusion Challenge

We've all seen stage magicians doing their magic before. Some of them have really long "stories" and others have almost none. However, what is the most number of complete illusions that can be done in 5 mins? Here is Hans Klok to show you.

Sticky Notes

Sticky or Post It notes.. Small pieces of coloured paper which can be stuck anywhere. They can be used as reminders, notes, memos, bookmarks, etc. But have you ever used them for entertainment? LOL. Watch this video. Absolutely fantastic.

EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Facebook Account

I finally set up a Facebook account because of Daniel. Keep persuading me to set up one. So I eventually succumbed and just created one last night.

Now I have to go thru the long process of having to customise my profile page. Such a daunting task that I just left it as it is. Until I can muster my courage to move the mouse and tap away on the keyboard, Manfred's Facebook account will just be a big blank page. I did upload my display picture though. Yay! =P

Happy Chinese New Year 2009

Let me start off by wishing one and all a very Happy Chinese New Year 2009!

It's the year of the Ox or bull. So let's grab the bull by its horn and hold on tight for this unpredictable year. May God bless this year and keep all my friends and family safe from harm, healthy and happy.

Just a nice random post here. =)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New LG Watch Phone

Talk to the hand... literally. LG has recently unveiled a new Watch Phone. Basically, it's a digital wrist watch and a phone combined.

Some features:
- LCD Backlit Colour Touchscreen
- Phone with Touch Keypad
- Built in Speaker
- Built in Microphone
- Music Player
- Wrist Watch
- Bluetooth 2.1

*Not a comprehensive list of features but you can read up more about it online.*

I think it's interesting to have a watch double up as a phone. But I wouldn't want to be caught talking to my hand in public whenever a call comes. I can pretty much imagine others looking at you and thinking, "eww, look at that dude, still so childish, trying to be cool and acting as if his watch is a phone". Which also reminds me of Power Rangers, where the rangers communicate with their base via the watch. So stupid. Thankfully the watch phone supports bluetooth so you can connect and talk via a bluetooth headset. However, no-one is going to wear a headset 24/7. So mostly, I may just use a regular phone for calls.

On the plus side, I think having a watch that can blast music is a nice feature. I wouldn't mind having such a device. And yeah, that's about what I can say about this watch phone now. According to LG, it should be for sale later this year. So look out for it.

Meanwhile, here's the demo video for the LG Watch Phone at Consumers Electronic Show 2009 (CES 2009).

New Blog Design

I'm back! With a new blogskin and blog header picture. Was so tired with the last blogskin. It was so green and glaring. Just makes me want to go emo. Lol. That was illogical. So I changed to something simpler and more pleasing to the eye and yet looks elegant.

Well anyway, it's the new year and since my aim in life is to be a media designer, I figure a good way to get my brain to start churning out creativity is to design anything I can, thus for this year, one of my goal will be to create a new blog header at least once a month. If I don't, just shout to me in my tagboard. Lol.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Long Fingers

While I was driving back from camp today, I tuned in to 91.3. Listening to the Married Men chatting on the radio. They started talking about long fingers for men. Apparently, there was a research at some London university about long fingers. And the conclusion was the men with ring fingers longer than their indexes tend to be more financially sound or able to make money or somewhere around that line.. Wow.. I really can't help but wonder how did the researchers ever come to this conclusion. Lol..

Adding on to that, Rod Monteiro made a joke. Here goes: "In Singapore, if you find men who have pinkies (last fingers) longer than all the other fingers, that is the last finger nail has grown so long till it extends over all the other fingers, chances are their noses are very clean."


Nearly Summoned!

I just booked out of camp today. Was driving back home but stopped by SPC at Yio Chu Kang Road area to pump more petrol. Nothing out of the ordinary. After paying, I drove off and decided to stop by Shop N Save at Kovan Center. I parked along the road in front of like 10 other vehicles. I figured that I would quickly run in and buy what I want and get out of there before any police come. Moreover, most of the other vehicles there were vacant. So I went in, bought my stuff and came out. SUAY! The police were there and like all the cars were gone save a couple. Mine was all alone further in front of the kerb. A policeman was writing on his pad in front of one of the cars that was left behind. I was so afraid that I got summoned but when I went to my car, the wipers had no slips or anything. Whew! I think the police might have just arrived when I came out. Luckily I didn't stay to buy anything else. I quickly drove off before any policeman come to my car. Haha!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Third Hand Smoke

Wow.. It's been a long time since I last posted..

Anyway, I've read today's copy of Mind Your Body. This is the first time I came across the term: "Third Hand Smoke". I'm sure you'll be thinking similarly, "is there such a thing as third hand smoke?" Haha.

Ok let's check it out. First hand smoke is the smoke that the smoker breathes in. Second hand smoke is the smoke that the smoker exhales and another person breathes it. And third hand smoke is not so much the smoke, but rather the left behind chemicals that linger around even after the smoke has dissipated.

As we all know, cigarettes are made of thousands of chemicals. And lighting a cigarette makes these chemicals react, produce smoke and leave behind the end product. To put it as an analogy, imagine you have paper. You burn the paper and you'll get smoke and ash. But even after the ash is cleaned up and the smoke dissipate, you can still smell the smoke and find small traces of ash around. That is pretty much what third hand smoke is about. After the smoke is gone, you can still smell it and find traces of its harmful substances around.

Why is it dangerous? Would you like to hug a pillow with leftover cigarette chemicals? Or drink from a cup with small pieces of ash? Furthermore, you get to consume the same harmful chemicals as a smoker would by smoking, thus you'll have a chance of developing the same disease as them even if you don't smoke. Yeah life is unfair, at least in this sense..

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