
Sunday, August 24, 2008

SAFRA Army Half Marathon (Before)

The army half marathon. Something that happens annually in August. Last year, it occurred when I was on course, therefore I did not run, but helped out in the water point instead. This year, I couldn't escape the marathon. My OC, a running enthusiast in his late 40s, pushed me to go. He told me to go for the 10km run, out of the remaining available 21km and 6km runs. I started training for the 10km run, reaching my max of running 8km nonstop. Last week, I was quite prepared for the 10km. However, my enthusiasm was immediately smashed into demoralisation when I received my number tag just 4 days before the event (as shown below). Something was not right..

As you can see, I totally got shocked by the distance that I was supposed to run. It's more than double that of what I've trained for.. -.- Boy was I in for a nasty little surprise. One thing I did not understand is how I managed to enter the 21km run. It's common practice in army to train progressively. And to enter the 21km run, I would have needed to run at least 16km nonstop, which I didn't. So I'm still perplexed about this. But I'll just give it my best shot at the run. Wish me luck.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Death Race

I just caught Death Race last night. It was absolutely thrilling. I'm not about to spoil it for those of you who have not watched it yet. But it is definitely one of the "must see" movies this year, especially so if you like car chases plus obscene killings with incredibly realistic sound effects that would blow you away. So surreal are the sound effects that the whole cinema let out a painful groan at every sound of flesh hitting metal. There are in-movie advertisements for as long as I can remember but it is essential to the movie's plot. Anyhow, I loved the graphics, seeing how I strive to be an animator. LOL. Catch the movie asap! Get ready for the race of your life, the Death Race.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Fantastical Water Fountain

Yet another wonderfully superb Japanese invention. Is there nothing that they can't do? Watch this video of a fountain outside a shopping center in Canal City. Once you see it, I bet you'll be astounded too. Enjoy! Look out especially when it's at 4:10, the effect created will absolutely amaze you.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Interesting Advertisement

This is a really amazing advertisement. It's not what you may expect but at the end of it, you kind of just feel that everything worked out. Try to guess what the ad is selling before the end of it. Thumbs up!

"Poetry in motion"

iPhone 3G (not quite what you think)

I just viewed a video about the iPhone 3G and it reaffirms my dislike for Apple. Well, here it is, the advert for iPhone 3G.

*iPhone 3G - I Havent Eaten In Days*

Super Chuck Norris Brothers

It has been a while since I last posted. These few weeks have been really busy for me at work. Today, I managed to take some time off to relax and watch some videos. -.- Anyway, I came across this video of a modified Super Mario game, titled Super Chuck Norris Brothers. As you can guess, the protagonist is indeed Chuck Norris. The clip is simply LOL. Haha. If you dunno who Chuck Norris is, I suggest you google or yahoo or wiki him up lest you are left dumbfounded after watching the video. Haha. Enjoy and remember to LOL.

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