
Saturday, April 07, 2012

Facebook's sneaky about Timeline upgrade

Facebook introduced Timeline about half a year back during their F8 conference to mixed opinions. I am one of those not entirely convinced of the need to put so much information about myself. Back then, you could opt to convert your wall to Timeline, but just recently Facebook has announced that all profiles will be converted to Timeline over time despite many protests.

So, there's no escaping Facebook Timeline anymore, but I can still hold out with my current Wall layout until it is upgraded (if "upgraded" is the right term to use). But that doesn't mean Facebook is not doing their part to "persuade" you to convert to Timeline. I noticed on my news feed that my friends are sharing news articles they have read and videos they have watched which, inadvertently reveal what their interests are and what kind of stuff are they reading/viewing. I'm sure they don't intend to share some of those articles, especially the embarrassing/awkward kinds, but I have to admit that some of these articles do catch my attention. When I tried to access them and the result is the usual "give approval to the app before you can use" confirmation box. Seems usual, but take a closer look below at the screenshots I took of some of these apps:
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