
Friday, July 29, 2011

Coming Soon: John Carter (Video)

Title: John Carter

Release Date: 7 March 2012 (Singapore)

What's with that weird symbol you say? What's so important about this "John Carter"? Beats me. But look at that small word above the J and O. It's "Disney". So being a Disney movie and with a title card looking this awesome, it could only mean 2 things - this movie will have sword fighting (think Pirates of the Caribbean) and it will rock so hard that people will start dressing up like the lead characters again.. Right? Right...? "Read More" below to check out the trailer.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Music: Rebecca Black - My Moment (Video)

Rebecca Black is back with her second song, My Moment. Overall, I find this song much better and easier to listen to than Friday. She sings better here, similar to many pop songs that you hear on the radio nowadays. Strangely enough, this video has received over 412 000 dislikes compared to 231 000 likes as when I first viewed it.. I kind of like the song.. Listen to it and judge for yourself. :)

"Read More" to view the video.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coming Soon: The Amazing Spider-Man (Video)

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man

Release Date: 5th July 2012 (Singapore)

On July 20, 2011, the world was given a glimpse of The Amazing Spider-Man movie, nearly a year ahead of its release. 2 theatrical trailers were released. Confused about whether this movie is a new deal or a sequel to the last 3 Spiderman movies? "Read More" to view the trailer and find out more about the history of the movie.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Movie Teaser: The Dark Knight Rises (Video)

The Dark Knight Rises is the last film in the Batman trilogy by director Christopher Nolan and continues to star Christian Bale as Batman. It is stated for a July 2012 release. The trailer below is only a teaser, no actual story is revealed. "Read More" to view the teaser.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Movie Trailer: Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows

Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law are back after two years to star in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.
"Read More" to view the trailer.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

New Movie Trailer: Puss In Boots 3D

People familiar with Dreamworks' pet series Shrek will be delighted to know that one of its characters, Puss In Boots is getting his own spin-off film, which chronicles the events that lead up to Puss in Boots meeting up with Shrek. Called Dreamwork's Puss In Boots, the film has been teased since April and will hit the screens at the end of 2011. "Read More" to check out the trailer.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

New Movie Trailer: Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (Video)

The fourth movie of the Mission Impossible series is debuting this December and the trailer is finally released. Tom Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt. One of the producers is JJ Abrams, by the way, one of my favourite directors. "Read More" to view the trailer.

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