
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In addition to my Facebook, Twitter and Blogger accounts, I'm now on Tumblr.

It's a cross between Twitter and Blogger. It allows "following" and "tweets" like twitter and blogging, video and photo sharing like blogger. Tumblr has nice and simple themes and handles micro blogging very well..

So... I'm goin to ditch Twitter and leave Blogger for long posts, everything else will be on Tumblr. ^.^

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Biggest Show Ever?

Have you noticed that after every IT SHOW, PC SHOW, COMEX or SITEX, the news always report it as the biggest show ever or made record sales?

Well, I did, for the past few times. And I wondered why is that so, more so about the increase in sales profit. I believe it is because the items being so are more expensive now. So even with the same number of consumers, it is these consumers who are spending more money to buy the things they want, thus the increase in sales profit after every show.

Eg. Just 2 years back, people wouldn't dream of buying a laptop dedicated to gaming and would buy cheap value for money notebooks and netbooks. However, these days, gaming laptops are everywhere and people are willing to spend $4000 - $5000 for it. So the sales are increased.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Impatient Taxi Driver?

Yesterday, I was walking from Sultan Plaza towards Suntec City with the Testimony of Light group. We came to this junction, between Victoria Street, Beach Road and ECP. The traffic light was red and we waited. As soon as it turned to green, we began to cross the pedestrian crossing. Less than 10 secs later, a Union Gas cab that was turning honked at us.

It was unbelievable. That was the ultimate impatient taxi driver I've come across. Honking at us while we just started to cross the road and even though the green man wasn't flashing yet. And mind you, we were walking at a normal pace. It wasn't as though we were strolling and taking a long time to cross.

Question: Have you encountered any disgraceful taxi driver? Leave your answer in the comments.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Are The Misfortunes of Others For Your Entertainment?

"What would you do if you see someone who is going to walk into a puddle of spilled drink on a marble floor?"

Today, I was at Suntec City with the Testimony of Light group. We were on the third floor in the My PLAYGround section. While my friends were busy playing with the soft toy "claw machines", someone spilled what I believe was some chocolate bubble tea sort of drink all over the marble floor. Now, that corridor had many people walking pass it.

Now, any humane person would know to warn passer-bys that the floor is slippery and to watch their steps. But there were two mid-twenties looking ladies, presumably from the neighbouring shop, who stood by a pillar, which was 3 meters away from the puddle, and just watched as unsuspecting people walked and slipped. Thankfully, none of them fell.

As much as it is bad enough that they stood and watched, I even overheard these two ladies, if I would still call them ladies, talking about and seemingly predicting which person would slip and fall. Such anti-social behavior. As much as we try to deny it, such people do exist around us. And it's a pity that they are more plentiful than we expect.

The least we could do is to not be like them.

Question: What is your opinion of such people? Leave your answer in the comments.
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