
Saturday, December 20, 2008

A week more to IHM Christmas Play!


Our church is having a Christmas Play for the first time and I'm quite happy to be involved in this ground-breaking event. Haha. It's only a week away now and I'm so excited, yet nervous because I'm afraid things may go wrong since it's the first time.

Anyway, I did the promo video for the play (yet another video for my portfolio =D ). I'm too lazy to load it up here so i'll put the link to my church youth group (Testimony of Light). If you are interested to view, please go and take a look. LOL.

Friday, December 12, 2008

My First Car Accident (Part 2)


I know it's been a long while since I posted the first part. But it's partly cuz I'm busy, you noe, goin for holidays, working, etc.. Oh, also I was spendin a lot of time gaming. LOL.

Anyway, I'll continue my story to the best of my knowledge, since I'm.. well.. quite forgetful in the short term. Haha..

After the collision and the excitment, I just sat there in the driver's seat, not knowing what to do next. In my mind, I was constantly thinking, my dad's going to kill me, my dad's going to kill me.. Instead of thanking God that no one was hurt and it was a minor accident. But you will understand only if you were in my place. After "stunning" there for about a min, I called my dad and told him what happened and asked what to do. I was surprised he didn't scold me but told me calmly to get the particulars of the taxi driver and wait while he and my family, who were apparently out for dinner at the moment, to rush down. So I got out and approached the taxi driver and asked for his particulars. To my luck, I think, the taxi driver was a very nice middle aged chinese man. He didn't argue with me or anything but just said he was on his way home to have dinner. I felt more relaxed and told him that I was also on my way home to have dinner that I have just bought and spilt in the car. LOL.

My family came down about 15 mins later. And my dad did the talkin while I listened at the side. After a while, my dad drove the car back home. Soon after, at around 10 plus, we drove the car down to the workshop at Defu where we applied for the insurance and I had to give in my statement. The workshop loaned us a replacement car until the repairs are done.

As of the time of this post, the car has been repaired and returned within a week. The costs was bourned by the taxi insurance. And I have not drove any car since then. That was nearly 3 weeks ago. I'll be back as soon as I regain my confidence.

Conclusion: Although the accident was a frightful experience, I learned something out of it and I'll know what to do if, Heaven forbid, I get into another accident. Or at least how to react if similar circumstances were to happen again.
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