
Sunday, November 23, 2008

My First Car Accident (Part 1)

I know what you are thinking: Why do I appear so happy to blog about an accident? Actually, I just want to share with everybody cuz I'm still haunted by the incident. It was my first car accident, with me behind the wheel and I had just got my license barely half a year ago.

Ok here goes.

21st Nov 2008. 8pm. I was driving home in my dad's Mazda 5 MPV. I dropped my frens at Jurong East MRT, drove back incident-less till Serangoon Station. I turned into Central and dropped another fren at the MRT. I went on to Serangoon Central to buy my dinner at S11 coffeeshop, or so it used to be called. After that, I decided to go a big round, pass the MacDonalds and Braddell Heights Community Club, back onto Upper Serangoon Road. I carried on driving forward until the junction between Upper Seragoon Road and Serangoon Central Road.

The moment. I was driving along the bus lane, in between a few cars. The light was green. The car in front of me turned left. I slowed down, letting the car turn. Thereafter I continued to drive forward into the junction. I noticed a red TransCab at my 2 o'clock, moving forward, stopping, moving forward, stopping, etc. I thought he wasn't going to turn, so I gently sped up. When I passed the green light, all of a sudden, the taxi sped past and tried to make the turn into Serangoon Central. I was taken aback. I jammed my brakes and flashed the high beam. But to no avail. I could only watched helplessly as the front half the taxi made it past my car. I kept my eyes trained on the back of the taxi. The last I saw was the reflection of my left headlight getting brighter on the taxi boot to the point that I could even see the bulb itself! And the next thing, at approx 8.55pm, travelling at 50-60km/h.. BANG!! I jolted in my seat, car stopped dead in the tracks, radio went off. Immediate silence. Within half a sec of impact, I spun my head to the left to see the taxi spin about before coming to a halt at the corner traffic light. I was absolutely stunned.. I didn't even take off my seat belt. I switched off the engine, turned on the hazard lights and just sat there, for whatever reason.. I was so afraid and shaken by what had just happened..

to be continued...
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